McGehee House

Communities  >  Historic Places

history-McGehee_HouseHistoric Name: McGehee House
Address: 1106 S. Holly
City:  Hammond
Parish:  Tangipahoa
State: LA
Zipcode: 70401
Status:  National Register
Date Placed on National Register: 11/2/1982
Level of Significance: Local
Area of Significance:  Architecture
Property Type: Urban Residence
Architectural Style: Colonial Revival
Theme: Anglo-American Architecture

Until the 1950’s the McGehee House was alone in the wooded countryside east of the town of Hammond. Since then several shops and ranch houses have been built in the vicinity, though the area is still largely rural.

The two story frame house has 14 foot ceilings on both floors. The ground floor has a central hall plan but with a variation inspired by the then dying influence of the Queen Anne Revival. The hall has a massive brick fireplace and merges with a large front room through a monumental composite order colonnade. The staircase is set at right angles to the central hall and turns back on itself, leaving a large landing open to the aforementioned front room in a boldly 3 dimensional effect. Thus the house contains what amounts to a Queen Anne living hall.

The other rooms on the ground floor have shoulder height paneled wainscotting and simple corner fireplaces with shallow brick arches. Major ground floor rooms are connected by sets of double sliding doors with horizontal panels. The upstairs has a central hall plan with a central door leading to the front balustraded balcony. This balcony is set within a composite order colossal portico with a shingled tympanum containing a lunette. In the 1940’s the upper portion was screened in for a sleeping porch, but this is an easily reversible change. This has been the only noteworthy change in the house since construction, and it should be regarded as minor.



The McGehee House (1907) is a frame, two-story, Colonial Revival residence located in a suburban setting in the city of Hammond. m e house has been altered very little since construction, and consequently there is no integrity problem.

Specific dates   1907

Builder/Architect  Builder: Dr. E. L. McGehee, Jr.

Statement of Significance (in one paragraph)

Criterion C

The McGehee House is locally significant in the area of architecture within the context of the city of Hammond for two reasons:

(1) Its living hall is unusually large and pretentious. A modest number of period residences in Louisiana have living halls, but the 14 foot ceiling and the composite order colonnade  give the McGehee living hall additional distinction. It is certainly the finest living hall in  Hammond. **

(2) The McGehee House is a landmark in Hammond. With its massive portico, it has one of the city’s most impressive residential facades.

**Although it is possible to speak of the living hall within the context of the state, the State Historic Preservation Office does not feel that a sufficient scholarly basis exists to make a plausible case for significance on the state level. We do know that the McGehee House’s living hall is significant within the context of Hammond.


Major Bibliographical References

Chain of Title, Tangipahoa Parish Courthouse

Communities  >  Historic Places